Monday, January 28, 2013

Travel Journal 7

My time in Costa Rica has changed me by demostrating to me the power of risk, responsibility, and adventure. Being on my own in another country has allowed me to experience things that I never have before. I have been occupying a whole other home with my roommate Chris in an excursion that calls for a new roof and a new set of rules. I will now value the conservation of water and energy since it is a rule in our household to turn off the lights and running water immediately when they are not being used. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with my family and have learned what it is like to be accepted into a new home. I hope because of the Tico acceptance I have experienced that I can more easily accept new people into my home and into my life.

I learned the hard way on this trip that your own decisions may have just as much impact on others as it does on you, if not more. This is the main reason why abiding rules is so important. I put my group and host mom through a scare by sleeping through class one morning at a hotel away from home. I was at risk at being thrown off the trip and expressed my sorrows through a deliberate apology to the class. The most important address of the apology was acknowledging that those who cared for me were let down. I found the need to address the need to make amends with myself and others, with the promise that no such occurence would happen again.

I am utterly grateful for the experience as a whole, particularly towards Crista and Basia, whose accomodation allowed me to embrace the experience more openly and fully. In times of need and distress, both directors were very reliable and reassuring with their advice as they sought to guide me through times of adversity. I am grateful for the extent to which Crista showed her care for me with her consistent check ups and sweetheart attitude. I am equally grateful for Basias promise to keep in close contact with me as we return to the states. For this reason, I would like to dedicate this blog equally to my peers and family as I do to both Basia and Crista. Thank you.

If I was to come back to Costa Rica, I would remind myself to breathe deeply and, as our tour guide Mario would say, take in the details. There is an utter abundance of beauty to be found through our excursions and day to day travels that I hope to hold inside as I return home and continue to grow. I would also take more precaution on being on my own and resisting incidences of danger, for there was a time or two where I had a close call and an incident where my phone was stolen. Seeking this precaution, I would try to be more like James Bond, according to my fathers words, and be able to predict any sort of anger presenting itself at the home, the beach, my travels, or the streets. I hope through my hard learned lessons that I will demonstrate more caution regarding my decisions and their effect on others, with the hopes to make a better today and an even better tomorrow.

Lastly, I would remind myself upon return to Costa Rica to relax and simply enjoy myself. It seems that the small, up close, and personal things in life are the most important, as there is a lot of natural and utter beauty to account for around here.

With a sincere gesture of appreciation to all my directors, peers, and family, I dedicate this entire blog and atrribute this entire experience to you. For this I am forever grateful. Thank you all so much.


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